On the fence about diving?
Photo: OceanEye
Have you ever felt like you want to try something new, but don’t really get around to do it? Yeah? No worries, it happens to all of us.
When it comes to recreational scuba diving, many of us experience obstacle-creating-thoughts before we do our first dive; “I don’t like being underwater”, “Maybe I can’t dive if I have contact lenses”, “I don’t think I am fit enough”, “How do I know I will be safe?” and “What if I see a shark?”.
Let's briefly answer the questions above…
Don’t like being underwater?
There is always snorkeling… However, if you don’t want to quiet your curiosity to discover the underwater world, we recommend that you face the fear of water in a safe environment with someone who is experienced and professional.
You can dive with contact lenses.
Simple as that.
Am I fit enough?
As long as you don’t have respiratory or heart conditions, you are probably fit enough to dive, but if you are unsure you should check with your doctor.
As with all sports, practice makes perfect.
A certified, experienced, responsible instructor watches over you and makes you feel comfortable. They put safety before fun, hence making diving a relaxed and fantastic experience.
And finally...the sharks!
Well, if you are lucky enough to see a shark we can only say: Congratulations! To meet a shark is a purely magical moment when your perceptions of the ocean and its inhabitants will change forever.